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Trinitarians on the Trinty | Preachers and Back-hoes

This section is dedicated to Pastors and Preachers, male or female, papers or not. They are from different Churches and orginizations but the same Faith. If I disagree with a small point I will make the appropriate comment and offer the minister opportunity to reply

I start with District Elder Charles Smith, the Pastor of King's Temple Apostolic Church in Marion Ohio: My church..

Our Spiritual connection with Christ

There is a great need for the whole Human family to become Spiritually connected with Christ. If men and women had Christ in their hearts they would be changed and be made better by Him. A Spiritual connection with Jesus Christ will set us free from Satan's power and influence over our lives. We need to be liberated from the bondage of sin. Whom the Son sets free is free indeed.( John 8:36 )

We believe that our Spiritual connection with Christ comes through the new (Spiritual) birth. Jesus wanted Nicodemus to know that he must experience a Spiritual birth before he could enter into the Kingdom of God.( John 3:5-7 ) This would connect him Spiritually with Jesus Christ. His Spiritual birth would give him the power he needed to live right in this present world, to raise him from the dead, should death overtake him and power to rise to meet Jesus in the air when he comes for His Church.( Romans 8:11 | 1 Thessalonians 4:14-17 )

There are so many different views and opinions about the new (Spiritual) birth. There are various preachers and teachers who try to explain what it means "to be born again" and sometimes it is confusing to listen to them. But I appeal to those who read this to examine the Scriptures closely to see and understand what God has to say about it.

Our Spiritual connection with Christ came through Calvary. The sacrificial death of Jesus Christ on the cross gave us redemption, atonement, and the forgiveness and removal of our sins. God knew we needed to be saved. We were born with a sinful or Adamic nature.( Psalm 51:5 ) None of us were good enough in our righteousness and moral deeds to merit salvation. ( Romans 3:23 ) We must believe that Jesus is able to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. ( 1 John 1:9 ) We must accept Jesus Christ into our heart as our personal Saviour. What is strange and sad is, that many Christian faiths stop here and never complete their Spiritual connection with Jesus Christ. According to the Holy Scriptures there are two more things that need to be done. We need our sins washed away and removed from us by water baptism by immersion, in Jesus' name (Jesus Christ) and we need to recieve the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance. ( Acts 2:38 | Acts 2:1-4 ) Our Spiritual connection with Christ comes when recieve His Spirit (the Holy Ghost) into our hearts. The Holy Ghost is the Spirit of Christ and if any man have not the Spirit of Christ he is none of His. ( Romans 8:9 )

Just like our appliances in our kitchens must be plugged into the power source so they will work, we likewise need a Spiritual connection with Christ so we can do His work in the Earth! ( Acts 1:8 )

Plug in today!

If you have any questions at all write me!



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